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Industry News
Webinar Series On DOE Sky Glow Investigation
June 26, 2017

DOE's SSL Program is hosting two upcoming webinars to present and discuss the results of a recently released investigation of LED street lighting's impact on sky glow. Both webinars will start at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. Pacific Time) and last one hour:

- Thursday, July 20 – "The Impact of LED Street Lighting on Sky Glow." Presenter Bruce Kinzey of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) will provide a high-level overview of the study and its findings, to put them into a context of "typical" street lighting conversions taking place in the U.S. today.  Register for the July 20 webinar.

- Thursday, July 27 – "A Technical Discussion of DOE's Sky Glow Study, Modeling Methods, and Key Variables." In this follow-on webinar, presenter Tess Perrin of PNNL will provide a deeper dive into the modeling effort as well as the influence of individual variables. Register for the July 27 webinar.

Each webinar will feature a presentation followed by a live Q&A session, where attendees can submit questions that will be answered as time allows.

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