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Industry News
WattStopper Simplifies Control System Integration And Improves User Experience
August 29, 2013

WattStopper has launched an integration building block that allows third party systems to take advantage of the simplicity of Digital Lighting Management (DLM). A rock-solid technology platform, DLM is frequently installed throughout a facility to manage energy. The new DLM interface helps specifiers and installers combine the best solutions for lighting control and other requirements, such as projector or audio visual (A/V) control, while still presenting users with a single control interface.

With the interface, control systems from touch screens to theatrical controls can send commands to energy code-compliant DLM devices to streamline the user experience. Applications include spaces like high-end conference and board rooms with systems from multiple vendors, as well as projects that require an integrator to coordinate shading with lighting controls.

Teams from WattStopper and Vantage, Legrand’s luxury control and automation brand, collaborated with A/V integration specialists to develop a command structure for the interface that is consistent with industry norms. The DLM interface communicates using pre-defined commands over an industry standard data link.

WattStopper (www.wattstopper.com), a Legrand group brand, is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient lighting controls for commercial and residential use. We help customers find convenient ways to save energy, meet green initiatives, and comply with energy codes with our comprehensive range of products, programs, and services. Legrand (www.legrandelectric.com ), located in Limoges, France, is the world specialist in products and systems for electrical installations and information networks, offering solutions for use in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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