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Industry News
Valmont Honored With U.S. Commerce Department's Excellence In Exporting Award
November 8, 2009

Valmont Industries, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of engineered support structures for infrastructure, mechanized irrigation equipment for agriculture, and a provider of coating services, announced today that the Company was presented with the Presidential "E Star" Award. The "E Star" Award recognizes continued superior performance in increasing or promoting exports. This honor places Valmont among the elite group of U.S. companies receiving recognition for supporting export activity.

The Presidential "E" Award was created by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, to recognize persons, firms, or organizations that contribute significantly to increasing United States exports. The International Trade Administration, which seeks to improve the global business environment and help U.S. firms to compete and win both at home and abroad, manages the award program that has recognized more than 2,500 firms since its inception.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke presented the award to Valmont's Group President of Global Irrigation, Leonard Adams at a ceremony during the National District Export Council Conference in Washington, D.C.

"Valmont is honored to receive this prestigious award," said Adams. "Our mechanized irrigation products support increased food production and encourage water conservation. From manufacturing locations in Valley and McCook, Nebraska, Valmont exports center pivot and linear-move irrigation equipment around the world. This equipment supports nutrition and economic development in many countries around the world. We are very pleased to be recognized for our contribution to international trade."

Valmont is the global leader in designing and manufacturing poles, towers and structures for lighting and traffic, wireless communication and utility markets, and a provider of protective coating services. Valmont also leads the world in mechanized irrigation equipment for agriculture, enhancing food production while conserving and protecting natural water resources. In addition, Valmont produces a wide variety of tubing for commercial and industrial applications.

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