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Industry News
Unique Wide-Angle Occupancy Sensor Facilitates Energy Savings In Retail And Aisleway Applications
December 14, 2008

Watt Stopper/Legrand has developed a new occupancy sensor with a special coverage pattern tailored to meet the needs of retail applications with refrigerated cases. The FS-705 Wide-angle PIR Occupancy Sensor detects motion in aisleways in order to turn display lighting on when a customer approaches and off when it is not needed. The sensor may also be used to control general lighting and vending machines.

The FS-705 is a passive infrared device that detects motion from two directions and covers an unprecedented 30-foot by 14-foot rectangular area. The wide coverage ensures that motion is detected as a customer approaches a sales area, so that the lighting will be on before the customer reaches a display. In cold food aisles, only one sensor is needed per five-door freezer case. The sensitivity is adjustable, and coverage can be reduced to 22 feet by 12 feet if needed. Additionally, the time delay is selectable, allowing customized operation for different applications.

When combined with LED lighting in freezer cases, the FS-705 has been shown to contribute to energy savings of over 90% (compared to uncontrolled fluorescent lighting). LEDs are not adversely affected by switching, and the sensor actually extends the service life of the case lighting. Additionally, the refrigeration compressors do not have to run as long, or as often, when sensors are used to control the lighting because less heat is generated in the cases.

In addition to freezer cases, the FS-705 may be used to control other kinds of retail display lighting, or lighting in hallways or aisleways. It can also be used to control vending machines, which consume significant amounts of power and typically experience only sporadic use. Watt Stopper/Legrand’s wide-angle sensor will be a welcome new energy saving tool in offices, public buildings, libraries, storage facilities and other locations, in addition to stores.

Watt Stopper/Legrand www.wattstopper.com is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient lighting controls for commercial and residential use. Watt Stopper helps customers find convenient ways to save energy, meet green initiatives, and comply with energy codes with a comprehensive range of products, programs, and services. Legrand www.legrandelectric.com, located in Limoges, France, is the world specialist in products and systems for electrical installations and information networks, offering solutions for use in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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