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Industry News
TM-30 Webinar On September 12
August 14, 2017

What have we learned about TM-30 in the past two years?

IES TM-30-15, a system of measures and graphics that can be used together to effectively evaluate and communicate a light source’s color rendering properties, has been around for two years, and in that time researchers have been helping to lay the foundation for its widespread use in the lighting industry. On Tuesday, September 12, DOE will host a webinar that will explore the new research and how it can help in applying TM-30, including studies relating TM-30 values to human evaluations, and the specification criteria that can be derived from the results. The future of TM-30 and color rendition measures will also be discussed.

Presented by Michael Royer of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the webinar will be held on September 12 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EDT, and will include a 45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute live Q&A session.

Register for the webinar

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