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Industry News
TCP, Inc. Kicks Off USO Campaign With Parade And Block Party
August 14, 2008

Energy efficient lighting innovator TCP, Inc. successfully kicked off a campaign to support the Northern Ohio USO at its August 13 event "A Hero's Light: One light until they all come home." Residents and local businesses donated care package items and bought special "Hero's Light" compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) packages to support the troops serving overseas.

"This program, 'A Hero's Light', is the start of a new partnership for us with the USO, with the goal that we hope we share with every American - to support the brave men and women who dedicate their lives for our freedom," said Ellis Yan, CEO, TCP, Inc.

More than 400 people gathered outside TCP's corporate headquarters where a parade complete with veterans, marching bands and city officials started the celebration. Local businesses bought "Hero's Light" shippers, each containing 132 CFLs, to share with employees or to use in their own facilities to increase energy efficiency.

TCP has already sold 54 shippers - with the company well on its way to reaching its goal of 250 shippers, totaling a donation of $25,000 to the Northern Ohio USO. To commemorate the successful campaign launch, the USO gave TCP its "wings" and named it a corporate angel.

For more information about donating money or care package items or to purchase a CFL shipper to support the USO, visit www.tcpi.com or call (330) 995-1630. 

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