Targetti proudly announces that select pieces from the renowned Targetti Light Art Collection will be on exhibit at the SL Gallery in New York City during the month of May. The Light Art Collection is one of the world’s most prestigious art collections of its kind. On Thursday, May 3rd, 2018, the SL Gallery and Targetti will host a special exhibit opening from 5:00 – 8:30 p.m. in collaboration with O’Blaney Rinker & Associates, Targetti’s New York City representative.
The Light Art Collection is a small prodigy that utilizes artificial light as a medium and aesthetic message to demonstrate that the innovations of the artistic techniques and expressions do not necessarily lead to an arid combination of praxis and utility, but result in art, synthesis and expression. “Just as classical art was inspired by nature, so we – the offspring of technological evolution – cannot ignore the inspiration that comes to us from the world of technology we have created,” as quoted by Paolo Targetti, patron of the Targetti Light Art Collection.
“Light without limits” is the Targetti philosophy that inspired the idea of the Collection. It springs from the knowledge of being able to combine technology and industrial design. The former based on the principles of the performance and the function of light. The latter aimed at making the lighting “object” beautiful and always up-to-date. The Targetti Light Art Collection allows artists to explore the possibilities of a third dimension of light inspired by the desire to succeed in extending to art the dimensions of a world that cannot be relegated to the confines of science and technology and by the knowledge that “the only art that is alive is one that finds it elements in the surrounding environment”, as Marinetti declared in the “Futurist Manifesto”.

This event marks the first exhibition of pieces from the Targetti Light Art Collection with the SL Gallery in New York City. The pieces of the Light Art Collection will remain on view through May 2018 at 335 West 38th Street, For further information, please contact Tony Long at the Gallery, or visit the website