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Industry News
Sentry Electric Tulip Series Luminaires Are Now DLC Qualified
September 4, 2012

Sentry Electric, one of North America’s most experienced and knowledgeable manufacturers of outdoor lighting, is pleased to announce that eighteen products within the Tulip Series category are now DesignLights™ Consortium (DLC) qualified. Utilities and municipalities whose outdoor lighting programs require DLC qualified products can now look to Sentry as a source for exceptionally performing decorative post top luminaires.

The Sentry Electric product series that contain DLC qualified products are:

• Battery Park Series
• Central Park Series
• Riverside Series
• Hartford Series
• Irvine Series
• Binghamton Series

Sentry’s newly designed web site has a product section devoted to DLC qualified products. This allows the user to quickly identify the products that are DLC qualified, and then expeditiously navigate to the product details to obtain the specifications and ordering information. To qualify for DLC, decorative outdoor luminaires must exceed performance standards for lumen output, efficacy, color rendering, lumen maintenance, and several other factors. DLC qualified products undergo thorough testing and analyses in nationally recognized testing laboratories (NRTLs). The resulting qualification approval by the DLC means that manufacturers’ claims are examined and then substantiated so that the customer can be confident that a highly performing product is being specified and purchased.

About DesignLights Consortium
The DesignLights™ Consortium (DLC) is a collaboration of utility efficiency programs and regional energy efficiency organizations throughout the United States and Canada. A project managed by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, the DLC is the premier resource for high-quality, energy efficient commercial lighting design and information. Its mission is to help builders, architects, designers, and commercial property owners implement improved design practices in all areas of the commercial lighting market. The DLC administers the Solid-State Lighting Qualified Products List (QPL), a listing of LED luminaires that meet strict energy efficiency and performance criteria and are eligible for utility incentives.   More information is available at www.designlights.org.

About Sentry Electric:
Sentry Electric is North America’s most responsive source of standard and custom exterior lighting, completely committed to end-to-end project success. The company’s specification grade cast iron and aluminum luminaires, bollards, poles, brackets and accessories are installed across America’s prestigious municipal street, park and university settings, including deployments at Yale University, Battery Park City in lower Manhattan, Indianapolis’ Lower Canal Park, UCLA, and Ellis Island. Lighting designers and engineers, architects and urban planners all rely on the company’s commitment to end-to-end project success and its unparalleled knowledge of architecturally significant exterior lighting, honed over the past sixty years.

Sentry has produced award-winning outdoor lighting products, including the SCP Central Park tulip luminaire, the winner of a Central Park Conservancy design competition. Sentry has also been recognized in 2011 and 2012 by Buildings Magazine for providing unique, Money Saving products to the construction industry.  Sentry’s catalog includes a range of luminaires in a variety of styles that incorporate many different light sources, including LED, high intensity discharge (HID), compact fluorescent, induction, and incandescent, for high efficiency, photometric performance, service life and energy use.

Sentry Electric LLC
185 Buffalo Avenue, Freeport, New York, 11520
Telephone: 516.379.4660 Fax: 516.378.0624
[email protected]

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