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Industry News
Nora Lighting Launches 25th Year In Business
January 22, 2014

Nora Lighting launched its 25th year in business with an industry reception at the company’s new showroom at the Dallas International Lighting Market. The reception was hosted by Nora Lighting founders Fred and Jilla Farzan.

The new Nora showroom is a working lab that demonstrated lighting effects, with layers of light in vignette settings, including a media room, loft, café, bathroom, kitchen, plus a retail/merchandising area.

Nora’s goal for the expanded 2,800 sq ft showroom was to create an innovative lighting experience for visitors, said EJ Phillips, Nora national sales manager, showroom division.

Lighting effects were produced using DMX controllers and launched with an iPad. The showroom-lab displayed variations in lighting levels, including Kelvin temperatures, CRI, lumen output and various wattages. Displays also showed the difference between LED and incandescent lamps.

“Our intention is to help showrooms bring the LED message to consumers by demonstrating all the options. Many Nora showroom partners are now interested in creating ‘lighting labs’ in their facilities so that consumers better understand the nuances and benefits of LED lighting,” said Phillips.

Among the newest Nora products on display at the Dallas Market were the Sapphire Series of high lumen downlights; Revo motorized track head; LED Lite-Tube, a 360° rotatable linear fixture; LED Flex Beam track head with flood and spot lighting; LED Bravo and LEDUC under cabinet fixtures; and multiple variations in LED tapelight. 

Nora Lighting is headquartered in Commerce, CA.  For more information about Nora products, contact Nora Lighting at 800.686.6672. www.noralighting.com.


Celebrating the launch of Nora Lighting’s 25th year in business are (left to right):  Carlos Martinez, Nora western regional sales manager; Chris Johnston, Nora national sales manager, commercial division; Fred Farzan, Nora president and CEO; Jilla Farzan, Nora executive vice president; Don Porter, Porter Lighting Sales; Neda Farzan, Nora business analyst; and EJ Phillips, Nora national sales manager, showroom division.


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