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Industry News
Nora Lighting Donation Helps Support Habitat For Humanity Of Greater Los Angeles
November 17, 2015

Nora Lighting recently donated nearly 100 lighting fixtures to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles “ReStores,” the social enterprise arm of the charitable organization.

With more than 800 stores through the U.S. and Canada, Habitat for Humanity ReStores are self-sustaining funding sources for Habitat, selling donated building materials, appliances and other home supplies to the general public at discounted prices. All proceeds support Habitat’s vision where everyone has a decent place to live.

“Nora Lighting’s very generous product donation will help Habitat LA ReStores generate sales and provide much needed funding for building, rehabilitating and repairing homes throughout greater Los Angeles,” said Karen Moore, acquisitions manager for Habitat LA ReStores located in Bellflower and Torrance, CA.  

“The profits generated from the Habitat LA ReStores fund approximately six to seven homes each year,” she said. “Nora Lighting was delighted to assist ReStores in their outstanding efforts to support Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles,” said Jilla Farzan, executive vice president at Nora Lighting. “As a social enterprise, the ReStores help advance Habitat’s mission through entrepreneurial, earned income strategies, like the building supply warehouses. 

“Over the years Habitat LA has helped countless families and individuals move into a home of their own, a goal that helps strengthen families and local communities,” she said.

Nora Lighting is a leading manufacturer of lighting products for residential and commercial applications, including retail, hospitality, healthcare and more.

Nora has been a leader in the development of LED lighting technology and offers a complete line of recessed downlights, rail and track fixtures, undercabinet and tape lighting and more. www.noralighting.com.

About Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) strives to eliminate substandard housing through advocacy, education and partnership with families and individuals in need to build decent, sustainable and affordable housing. Since 1990, Habitat LA has built and repaired more than 1,000 homes locally and worldwide, transforming the lives of hundreds of individuals.

Habitat LA is a GuideStar® Valued Partner and has achieved the coveted Charity Navigator 4-Star rating awarded to non-profits for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. For more information, http://www.habitatla.org or call 310-323-4663.

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