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Industry News
Nora Lighting Announces Four New Brand Designations To Better Differentiate Product Lines
March 4, 2013

Nora Lighting, a well-known name in the interior lighting industry with fixtures for residential and commercial applications, has announced four new brand designations to better differentiate product lines.

The announcement was made by Fred Farzan, president of the company, who said: “Nora Lighting has grown so significantly in the past few years that it has become necessary to focus marketing and sales efforts on selected products and industries. “The Nora Lighting Group will now consist of Nora Lighting, N/Spec, Nora Rail and Nora MLS.”

N/Spec is the newest category of products and will feature lighting fixtures for the specifier / architectural markets. “N/Spec will bring attention to the many new products that Nora now offers for commercial and architectural installations,” said Farzan. “Along with innovative LED fixtures for the specifier market, Nora manufactures complete lines of commercial lighting products for large build-outs and major architectural renovations,” he said.  “Nora’s new brand designations will help our national account reps, distributors and customers focus on the Nora product line that best suits specific site requisites,” said Farzan.

The Nora Rail designation will include Nora’s highly versatile 120-volt Rail System and Rail fixtures; the Nora MLS brand will feature various lines of multiple lighting systems; and the Nora Lighting brand will include Nora’s core products, including recessed downlights, linear lighting products, track fixtures and more.  Nora Lighting has been an industry pioneer in the development and introduction of LED fixtures for commercial and residential applications.

Nora’s LED product line now includes the Diamond Series of LED retrofit downlights, LED track and rail fixtures, LED linear lightbars and LED undercabinet lights, LED puck lights, LED Standard, Hy-Brite, High-Output and RGB tape lights,, LED pendants, LED step lights and LED emergency and exit signs. 

Along with LED fixtures, Nora manufactures incandescent, fluorescent and HID sources in track and rail systems, recessed lighting, multiple lighting systems, under cabinet and an expanding series of accent lights, including pendants and sconces.

Nora products can be seen in professional electrical distributorships and lighting showrooms nationwide.  For more information, contact Nora Lighting at 800.686.6672 or visit www.noralighting.com.

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