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Industry News
New Recommended Practice Published By The IES: RP-22-11 Tunnel Lighting
August 7, 2011

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) announces the publication of RP-22-11 Tunnel Lighting, an ANSI approved standard. The purpose of the document is to provide recommended practices for designing new tunnel lighting systems and advance the art, science and practice of engineering as it relates to tunnel lighting.

Changes from the earlier version of RP-22-11 include the latest research, international standards, experience, and equipment technology, including revision of the transition curve, wall illumination measurement methods, a new calculation and field measurement grid, and a new annex on calculating Tunnel Wall Luminance.

RP-22-11 provides information to assist engineers and designers in determining lighting needs, recommend solutions, and evaluate resulting visibility at vehicular tunnel approaches and interiors. Administrators responsible for providing a safe environment within a tunnel both day and night can also benefit from the document.

RP-22-11 is available at www.ies.org/store, in print or as a PDF electronic file. List price: $60.00; IES members: $42.00.


IES is the oldest and largest educational and scientific society in North America devoted to lighting. Since 1906, the IES has sought to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public. A broad variety of programs, including publications, conferences and seminars, have been established to accomplish this mission. IES publishes and distributes the finest lighting literature authored by committees with the most experienced minds in industry and academia today. For more information about IES, go to http://www.ies.org.

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