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Industry News
New Pole And Tower Safety Web Site Launched By Valmont Services Group
August 11, 2009

Valmont Services Group, an organization dedicated to performing expert inspection, analysis, repair and replacement of poles, lattice-towers and related structures, announces the launch of a new web site, www.valmontservicesgroup.com.

“Pole and tower failures are costly and may become increasingly common as installed infrastructures age,” stated Steve Krohn, P.E., National Sales Manager of Valmont Services Group. “This site provides important pole and tower safety news, relevant information on inspection services and the Valmont Services LightHouse™ Calculator, an innovative tool which enables engineers and property owners to perform self assessments of pole failure risks,” Krohn added. This LightHouse tool helps individuals and organizations consider a number or relevant risk factors as they respond to prompts regarding recent wind events, nearby pole failures, usage of deicing chemicals in their area, proximity to maritime and chemical environments, visible rust, peeling paint and grouting, all of which may increase the risk of pole failure. Within minutes, site visitors gain significant insights which help them assess their own risk.

Those who perform a LightHouse calculator risk assessment may determine it prudent to procure an on-site professional safety inspection. To accommodate this need, Valmont Services Group employs a team of technicians certified by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) and the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). These highly skilled specialists are capable of performing many state-of-the-art corrosion and structural integrity field tests including magnetic particle, ultrasonic and liquid penetrant testing. Upon performing a thorough inspection, the organization delivers a detailed analysis of all results in a customized Valmont Services Group inspection, assessment and action report.

Valmont Services Group is part of Valmont Structures, a global leader in designing and manufacturing poles, towers and structures for lighting, traffic and wireless communications markets. The Services operation provides pole and tower safety inspection, analysis, repair and replacement expertise to a broad range of professionals in North America, including shopping centers owners, commercial property owners, electric utility lighting engineers, stadium facility managers, transportation engineers, landscape architects and electrical contractors.  For more information, visit www.valmontservicesgroup.com.

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