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Industry News
New NEMA Framework Predicts Energy Savings From Lighting Systems
June 28, 2018

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published NEMA LSD 79-2018 Predicted Energy Savings from Lighting Systems, a new white paper that includes a framework used to gauge the effectiveness of different lighting control methods.  

"While the potential to save energy short term is very clear, a method is necessary to determine the long-term average savings that can be captured based on the specific efficiency measures selected by a building owner," said Dr. Robert Nachtrieb, Lead Scientist, Lutron Electronics Company, and chair of the LSD 79 ad hoc committee.  "This paper describes the complexity of this determination and suggests a potential path forward."

NEMA LSD 79-2018 is available as an electronic download at no cost on the NEMA website.

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