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Industry News
NEMA Whitepaper Covers Solid-State Lighting For Luminaries
September 9, 2009

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published LSD 45-2009 Recommendations for Solid-State Lighting Sub-Assembly Interfaces for Luminaires.

This new white paper, prepared by the NEMA Solid State Lighting Section, covers the design and construction of interconnects for solid-state lighting applications. It compiles the latest industry information regarding mechanical, electrical, and thermal connections and documents existing industry best practices.

"LSD 45-2009 is a breakthrough publication for solid-state lighting, a segment of the lighting industry that is gaining momentum and requires standardization," said Kevin Dowling, PhD, chair of the Solid State Lighting Section. "NEMA's Solid State Lighting section continues to be very involved with shaping the future of this technology, bringing industry experts together to create and encourage processes that benefit both consumers and manufacturers."

The document may be downloaded at no charge by visiting http://www.nema.org/stds/lsd45.cfm.

NEMA is the association of electrical and medical imaging equipment manufacturers. Founded in 1926 and headquartered near Washington, D.C., its approximately 450 member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end use of electricity. These products are used in utility, industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential applications. The association's Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) Division represents manufacturers of cutting-edge medical diagnostic imaging equipment including MRI, CT, x-ray, and ultrasound products. Worldwide sales of NEMA-scope products exceed $120 billion. In addition to its headquarters in Rosslyn, Virginia, NEMA also has offices in Beijing and Mexico City.

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