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Industry News
NEMA And AIA Call On Congress To Extend Commercial Building Tax Deduction
December 10, 2009

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) have called on Congress to support the enlarging the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Tax Deduction from $1.80 per square foot to $3 per square foot in order to help stimulate immediate job creation. A letter to Congressional members was co-signed by more than 50 organizations in the construction and environmental arenas. A copy of the letter is available at www.efficientbuildings.org/legislative_update.html.

In 2005, NEMA and AIA advocated a tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for the design and installation of qualified energy efficient building systems in new building construction or in the renovation of existing buildings. Although the deduction, which was enacted that year, has been successfully used to build and retrofit energy-efficient buildings, the current economic crisis has reduced the amount of building design, construction, and renovations nationwide. In addition, because some energy efficient systems are more expensive to design, build, and install than their less efficient counterparts, the initial increased capital costs often dissuade owners from installing these systems.

According to NEMA President and CEO Evan R. Gaddis, the increase would provide a valuable job-stimulating incentive to retrofit and renovate existing commercial buildings.

“This tax incentive has a proven record of success in supporting thousands of construction, electrical, design, contractor, and manufacturing jobs prior to the recession. An increase is needed to address tight capital and other financing issues facing building owners. This is the type of measure that fits with the outlines of President Obama’s jobs stimulus announcement on December 8, 2009,” Gaddis said.

AIA Executive Vice President/CEO Christine McEntee said, “By increasing the deduction to $3 per square foot, Congress could immediately stimulate building design, construction, and renovation across the country, spurring job creation in every state and region, while enhancing our energy independence and improving our nation’s infrastructure for the 21st century.”

NEMA is the association of electrical and medical imaging equipment manufacturers. Founded in 1926 and headquartered near Washington, D.C., its approximately 450 member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end use of electricity. These products are used in utility, industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential applications. The association’s Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) Division represents manufacturers of cutting-edge medical diagnostic imaging equipment including MRI, CT, x-ray, and ultrasound products. Worldwide sales of NEMA-scope products exceed $120 billion. In addition to its headquarters in Rosslyn, Virginia, NEMA also has offices in Beijing and Mexico City.

For more than 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with one another and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, secure, and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. By using sustainable design practices, materials, and techniques, AIA architects are uniquely poised to provide the leadership and guidance needed to provide solutions to address climate change.

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