Materials Posted From The Philadelphia Market Introduction Workshop And Street Lighting Webcast |
August 11, 2010 |
More than 300 attendees gathered in Philadelphia on July 21–22, 2010, to share the latest updates and strategies for successful market introduction of high-quality, energy-efficient SSL solutions. The audience was diverse – including industry, government, efficiency organizations, utilities, municipalities, designers, specifiers, retailers, and distributors – and the panel sessions covered a rich mix of topics. The workshop itself was preceded by a series of tutorials for those new to SSL, and a webcast on evaluating LED street lighting solutions. The webcast, hosted by DOE's Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium and featuring perspectives from three members who are in the midst of implementing LED street lighting evaluations, was attended by over 500 people who participated either in person or online.
The Philadelphia pre-conference and workshop presentations and materials and webcast materials are now available.