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Industry News
LightFair International Introduces Europe's Finest in Decorative Design
May 18, 2008

LIGHTFAIR International (LFI), the world’s largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference, introduces The LFI European Light + Design Pavilion to attendees during the Las Vegas show this month.

One of LFI’s newest initiatives, this pavilion aligns with the Daylighting Pavilion and Design Pavilion—two established LFI showcases—and features the finest in decorative designs available from European manufacturers.

The European Light + Design Pavilion introducesarchitectural, engineering, design and lighting professionals to Europe’s most unique lighting companies. European manufacturers headlining the pavilion include:

• Emerald Faerie • Macrolux Commericale SRL
• Flaver S.R.L • MAI Oersted Glass, LTD.
• GAARD/GAARD • Scandinavian Collection
• Jobe Lighting/Jobe Ops, LLC • Swarovski Crystal
• Jolina Products B.V. • Tay Lighting • LEDS C4 

In addition to the European Light + Design Pavilion, the LFI Daylighting Pavilion showcases products from world renowned manufacturers in the lighting industry who have incorporated natural and artificial lighting into their designs, while improving overall efficiency and economic and environmental benefits. Innovators featured in the LFI Daylighting Pavilion include:

• Arcalight International Skylights • Lighting Analysts, Inc.
• Axis Technologies, Inc. • Lightlouver, LLC
• California Energy Commission • Mechoshade Systems
• Carlisle Syntec, Inc.  • Ming Solar, Inc.
• Ciralight, Inc. • Natural Lighting/Pfister Energy
• Daylighting Collaborative • Parans Solar Lighting AB
• Delta Controls, Inc. • PLC-Multipoint
• DGVOX Industrial, Inc. • Powerfilm, Inc.
• Draper, Inc. • Solarone Solutions, LLC
• Encelium Technologies, Inc. • Solatube International, Inc.
• Enocean • Sunoptics Prismatic Skylights
• Hunt Dimming • Systel Development & Industries

Just as important as the other two pavilions, the LFI Design Pavilion features manufacturers with a creative edge, wide range of expression of lighting styles, innovation and upscale fashion-forward products. Leaders highlighted in this pavilion include:

• American Fluorescent • Le Lampiste De Beloeil, Inc.
• Anne Thull Fine Art Designs • Lighting for Tomorrow
• Brownlee Lighting • Meyda Tiffany
• Bruck Lighting Systems, Inc. • Naco Lighting Factory
• Crystal Lighting Corp. • OCL (Original Cast Lighting)
• DMF Lighting • Rejuvenation
• Dreamscape Lighting MFG • Smedmarks, Inc.
• Eclipse Lighting, Inc.  • Strini Art Glass/Lighting
• Evergreen Lighting • Teron Lighting, Inc. (TLI)
• Golt Lighting, Inc.  • Trend Lighting Corp.
• Hans Duus Blacksmith, Inc.  • Vintage Hardware
• Kichler Lighting 

Together, the three pavilions form a dynamic offering that showcases unique and innovative products and leaders in numerous categories—unlike any other of its kind. The pavilions, along with the more than 500 exhibitors on the entire trade show floor, position LFI as the leading resource in product introduction and innovation. The pavilions will be prominently located in the entrance and central areas of the show floor.

For more information on LIGHTFAIR International 2008, please visit www.lightfair.com.

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