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Industry News
LightFair 2016 Celebrates All That's New And Next In Lighting And Design In San Diego
May 1, 2016

LIGHTFAIR® International (LFI®) opened at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego  with the 27th edition of the world’s largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference delivering the largest trade show floor in LFI history.  Thousands of attendees from around the world streamed into the LFI exhibit halls to explore and experience the future of lighting design and technology.

Preceding and setting the stage for the trade show opening, the prestigious LFI Innovation Awards® highlighted the industry’s most innovative products and designs introduced during the last 12 months. The energy and excitement extending from the Awards is expected to continue through the close of the show on Thursday.

The 2016 LFI Innovation Awards® saw 275 entries spanning 15 categories, with each submission judged by an independent panel of lighting professionals.  Winning entries exemplified the best in innovative design and thinking. 

Among the 16 winning companies are these key awards:

PHILIPS (Gardco SoftView LED Parking Garage Luminaire): Most Innovative Product of the Year—the program’s highest award, recognizing the most innovative new product, Booth 3623;
ADOT LIGHTING CO., LTD. (Rayee): Design Excellence Award—recognizing outstanding achievement in design, Booth 320;
DMF LIGHTING (OneFrame - DRDHNJD Recessed LED Downlight): Technical Innovation Award—recognizing the most forward-thinking advancement in lighting technology, Booth 2329;
EATON (Invue Arbor Outdoor Architectural LED Collection): Judges' Citation—special recognition of an innovative product at the judges’ discretion, Booth 2916

Visit http://www.lightfair.com/lightfair/V40/index.cvn?id=10219 for a full list of LFI Innovation Awards 2016 entrants and winners.

LFI has also awarded exhibitors that excelled in visual display and product presentation.

The 2016 Best Booth Award Winners are:

100 Square Feet: ADOT LIGHTING CO., LTD., Booth 320
200 to 300 Square Feet: ALTMAN LIGHTING, Booth 2819
400 to 500 Square Feet: DASAL ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING, Booth 5937
600 to 800 Square Feet: PURE EDGE LIGHTING, Booth 3845
900 Square Feet and larger: LUMENPULSE, Booth 1827
Building Integration Pavilion: DIAL GmbH, Booth 7036
Daylighting Pavilion: ESYLUX GMBH, Booth 6911
Design Pavilion: LUMENART, Booth 5053
Exterior & Roadway Lighting Pavilion: ANOLIS, Booth 1037
Global Light + Design Pavilion: WALDMANN LIGHTING CO., Booth 5553
New Exhibitor Pavilion: VODE LIGHTING, LLC., Booth 229

About LIGHTFAIR International
LIGHTFAIR® International is the world’s largest annual architectural and commercial lighting trade show and conference and is sponsored by the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).  The event is produced and managed by AmericasMart® Atlanta.  For more information, please visit LIGHTFAIR.COM.  Join the #LFI2016 conversation on Facebook, Twitter @lightfair, Instagram @lightfair_international, LinkedIn and YouTube.

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