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Industry News
Lewis Elected Chair Of National Lighting Bureau
January 21, 2010

Howard P. Lewis, representing the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), has been elected chair of the National Lighting Bureau. The Bureau is an independent, not-for-profit, lighting-education organization sponsored by professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, utilities, and agencies of the U.S. government.

Also elected to Bureau offices were Vice Chair Cary S. Mendelsohn (Imperial Lighting Maintenance Company), representing the interNational Association of Lighting Management Companies (NALMCO), and Secretary/Treasurer James M. Yorgey, P.E., L.C., Technical Applications Manager for Bureau Sponsor Lutron Electronics Company, Inc.

Mr. Lewis is the President of Lighting Alternatives, a fluorescent fixture manufacturer headquartered in Cherry Hill, NJ. Long-active in IES activities (he's a 20-year "veteran" of the IES Progress Report Committee), Mr. Lewis is currently serving his third, nonconsecutive term as President of the IES Philadelphia Section. Before establishing Lighting Alternatives in 2003, Mr. Lewis spent more than 30 years in lighting, with an emphasis on product manufacturing. He holds Bachelor of Science degree from Franklin Pierce University (Rindge, NH).

"It's an amazing time to be an integral part of the National Lighting Bureau," Mr. Lewis said. "With our cooperative strategic initiatives in place with Sponsor partners like IES and enLightenAmerica, and the industry buzz that's started with our National Lighting Week concept, the Bureau's visibility is becoming even more prominent. That's essential to our mission of raising public and industry awareness of lighting's many contributions to our standard of living and to the bottom line. Providing easily digested information about the lighting-technology revolution now under way is also a vital part of our mission. Given the variety of new light sources and systems now on the market and under development, the education challenge is substantial. Working with our sponsors, the Bureau will make an important contribution. We're gratified to be a recognized resource and excited about making progress."

Founded in 1976, the National Lighting Bureau provides information about and encourages reliance on High-Benefit Lighting®, that is, lighting that quickly pays for itself by improving productivity, reducing absenteeism, preventing accidents, enhancing security, and/or otherwise contributing important and valuable benefits while also minimizing energy waste.

More information about the National Lighting Bureau is available at its website (www.nlb.org) or by contacting the National Lighting Bureau Communications Office (8811 Colesville Road, Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910; tel. 301/587-9572; fax 301/589-2017; e-mail [email protected]).


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