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Industry News
Leviton Announces Acquisition Of BitWise Controls, LLC
September 8, 2014

Leviton today announced the acquisition of BitWise Controls, LLC, a leader in design and manufacture of control and monitoring solutions for residential and commercial facilities.  Leviton has been carrying BitWise Controls’ automation controllers for some time and is excited to welcome them into Leviton.
As part of the acquisition, Leviton will bring BitWise Controls’ entire product line into the Leviton family of solutions, including their iPhone/iTouch/iPad and Android app-based GUIs that are easy to use and simple to install with drag and drop programming, and the recently launched hand-held remote control. Additionally, Leviton will offer the Bitwise app on its’ popular OmniTouch 7 for applications when fixed touchscreens are required.
“Bitwise brings customizable Audio/Video controls to our product portfolio” said Jay McLellan, president of Leviton Security and Automation. “Bitwise and Leviton Installers now have affordable solutions for home theater, restaurants, boardrooms and classrooms that are modular and expandable.”
“Leviton is a perfect fit for BitWise and we are very excited to be part of their team” said Lance Beck, CEO of BitWise Controls. “We look forward to providing continued innovation for our customers.”

“The Bitwise deal, following on the heels of the recent acquisition of ClickOn Technology, demonstrates Leviton's commitment to strategic growth and innovation through acquisitions,” remarked Daryoush Larizadeh, Leviton COO. Leviton has evolved its business into a global provider of electrical wiring devices, data connectivity solutions and lighting and energy management systems for a variety of end-use markets.

About Leviton Security & Automation
Leviton Security & Automation (formerly HAI by Leviton) creates integrated automation and security solutions for residential and commercial use. As a leader in home automation, Leviton Security & Automation offers a complete line of award-winning automation products, connecting all devices – from programmable communicating thermostats, smart light switches and distributed audio systems to video surveillance equipment and access control products – through touchscreen interfaces with VoIP and software that allows access and control of an automation system over the Internet or a smart phone. Learn more at www.leviton.com/automation, http://www.twitter.com/LevitonSA or http://www.youtube.com/homeautomationinc.

About Leviton
Leviton is the smart choice, providing the most comprehensive range of solutions to meet the needs of today’s residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Leveraging more than a century of experience, Leviton helps customers create sustainable, intelligent environments through its electrical wiring devices, network and data center connectivity solutions, and lighting energy management systems. From switches and receptacles, to daylight harvesting controls, networking systems, and equipment for charging electric vehicles, Leviton solutions help customers achieve savings in energy, time and cost, all while enhancing safety. For more information, visit www.leviton.com, http://www.facebook.com/leviton, http://twitter.com/leviton or http://www.youtube.com/Levitonmfg.

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