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Industry News
LRC And KLS Engineering Develop Web-Based Educational Modules On Roadway Lighting
July 23, 2018

In the past decade, roadway lighting technologies have advanced rapidly with the development of light-emitting diode (LED) systems, adaptive lighting controls, and an increase in knowledge about the ways roadway lighting can affect safety, perception and even circadian rhythms. These advancements have resulted in many new questions about the appropriate use, design and implementation of roadway lighting. In response, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) commissioned the development of free, online modules containing the latest information about roadway lighting.

A project team consisting of members from the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Daniel Frering, Director of Grants Development and Educational Programs and John Bullough, Director of Transportation and Safety Lighting Programs, and from KLS Engineering – Leverson Boodlal, Principal and Kevin Chiang, Senior Engineer, collaborated on the project to develop the educational modules.

"These modules will equip busy engineers to ask the right questions, as their agencies begin to implement a dizzying array of new technologies," said the LRC's Daniel Frering.

The free, interactive modules allow users to review content at their own pace. Periodic knowledge checks ensure that readers have absorbed the information before moving ahead, and each module concludes with a quiz. Accompanying workbooks include extended exercises to allow users to apply their new knowledge in greater detail.

"The workbooks provide users with a handy, offline resource on lighting technologies and design approaches they can refer to in their day-to-day work," said Leverson Boodlal from KLS.

Four modules are available: Roadway Lighting Design Overview, Lighting Hardware and Light Source Considerations for Roadway Lighting, Street and Roadway Lighting Design, and Other Roadway Lighting Topics. The first module can be used by the general public to become familiar with the purposes of roadway lighting and its basic vocabulary. The last module includes cutting-edge information about mesopic vision, perceptions of personal security, and impacts on circadian regulation.

The modules can be found on the FHWA Office of Safety website at: https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/night_visib/roadway_lighting_workshop.  

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