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Industry News
LED Residential Under-Cabinet Luminaires Report Available Online
July 5, 2010

The National Lighting Product Information Program (NLPIP) has released a new Lighting Answers report that discusses the performance of LED residential under-cabinet luminaires.  Included in the publication is a comparison of four linear LED under-cabinet luminaires intended for kitchen applications with four traditional luminaires – two fluorescent and two incandescent xenon models.  All luminaires were tested to determine the amount of light each provides on the countertop and backsplash areas, the uniformity and color of light, and the efficacy (the ratio of light output to input power) of the luminaires. The report also discusses energy and financial savings and other considerations such as warranties.

“The luminaires were chosen based on availability in consumer-oriented retail stores in the Albany, New York area in the spring of 2009 and were tested based upon the ASSIST recommends testing procedures,” said NLPIP Program Director Jeremy Snyder.

Results of the testing show that most models meet recommended levels of illuminance and uniformity.  In general, the application efficacy of LED and fluorescent models were similar to one another (and much greater than that of the incandescent models).  The estimated cost of ownership of the LED models was similar to that of the fluorescent models, although the latter produced more light.  These results are based on models purchased in 2009 and the pattern of the results may change over time as LED technology develops.

“Homeowners may want to consider other factors too when selecting an under-cabinet luminaire,” said Snyder, “such as the correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI), and whether they find the multiple discrete shadows produced by some luminaires to be aesthetically displeasing.”

The NLPIP report, Lighting Answers: LED Residential Under-Cabinet Luminaires (May 2010) can be found online at: http://www.lrc.rpi.edu/nlpip/publicationDetails.asp?id=926&type=2

About the National Lighting Product Information Program (NLPIP)
NLPIP, established by the Lighting Research Center (LRC) in 1990, helps lighting professionals, contractors, designers, building managers, homeowners, and other consumers find and effectively use efficient, quality products that meet their lighting needs. With the support of government agencies, public benefit organizations, and electric utilities, NLPIP disseminates objective, accurate, timely, manufacturer-specific information about energy-efficient lighting products in its series of Lighting Answers, Lighting Diagnostics, Specifier Reports, and Technical Guides.
NLPIP sponsors include: the California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program; CEATI International; the Iowa Energy Center; the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
NLPIP team members are LRC researchers and leading experts in efficient lighting, human factors, and technology transfer. The NLPIP product testing laboratory is one of only three non-manufacturer labs in the US accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP lab code: 200480-0) for testing lighting products. NLPIP's research and product testing has spanned products such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), T5 fluorescent systems, metal halide lamps, dimming ballasts, and occupancy sensors, as well as timely subjects such as light pollution, parking lot illumination, and alternative light sources for exit signs. For more information, visit www.lrc.rpi.edu/programs/NLPIP.

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