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Industry News
How To Lead Energy Efficient Lighting In Your Organization By Aleddra LED
December 4, 2012

Successful facility management (FM) leaders distinguish themselves on the operation efficiency, and energy efficient lighting is always high on their priority list. This is because on a national average, electricity is the number one cost for building operations and lighting can account for nearly 65% of building’s electricity bill. The challenge is “how can you reduce energy consumption while maintaining proper lighting in the building?”

Here are the best practices used by the leading FM executives for implementing energy efficient lighting projects for their organizations:

• Know where to look for project opportunities:
o Year-end budget surplus (“use it or lose it”)
o Existing lighting system that are older than 10 years or using T12 lamps
o Initiating an energy efficiency audit on lighting
o Reconstruction opportunities, voluntarily or involuntarily due to natural disaster
o New construction, facility expansion, or building overhaul
o Internal initiative for a higher operation efficiency
o New rebates or grants become available from local government or utility companies (e.g., Con Edison began to accept LED T8 with internal driver for rebate)

• Knowledgeable on the top 10 considerations for energy efficient lighting implementation for they help achieving lower energy consumption while maintaining proper lighting at a higher ROI (return on investment):

• Working only with ESCO or contractors who are up-to-date on energy lighting technology and safety standards (such as UL1598C) and can present a holistic solution on material, labor, and rebate with a clear ROI and payback terms. FM leaders never evaluate the project on a per-lamp material cost alone, which could result in a higher labor cost and a lower utility rebate, thus messing up the total ROI.

Aleddra’s LED products meet latest industry standards and help you achieve a higher ROI for your projects. Our sales representatives are well versed in the latest lighting technology, industry standards, utility rebates, and government incentives. They are ready to assist you as you lead your organization on your energy efficient lighting roll-out. Aleddra’s agent locator is available at http://www.aleddra.com/Agents.php. You are welcome to contact us directly by email at [email protected].

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