HID Lamp Indexes Continue To Hover Near Record Lows
October 8, 2013
NEMA’s indexes for high intensity discharge (HID) lamp shipments continued to hover near historical low levels during 2013 Q2. The index for mercury vapor lamp shipments continued to track downward, declining by 8.2 percent on a year-over-year (y/y) basis. Likewise, shipments of metal halide lamps fell 6.4 percent y/y, landing at the second lowest level in the series history. Sodium vapor was the lone HID index segment to show improvement. Following four consecutive quarters of y/y declines, the index stabilized during 2013 Q2 by registering a gain of 0.4 percent.
Shifts in in the market shares held by the each lamp type were marginal during the quarter. Sodium vapor lamps increased their share by 0.9 percentage points to 33.2 percent. Shares of mercury vapor and metal halide lamps decreased to 4.2 and 62.6 percent, respectively.