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Industry News
Green Lighting Virtual Conference From Architectural Lighting Magazine
July 12, 2011

Hear from industry leaders in the architecture and lighting communities about strategies for sustainable design and how new lighting innovations and energy-efficient technologies are helping to shape the buildings of today and tomorrow.


What Does it Mean to Build "Green" Today?
Eric Corey Freed presents an overview of the issues involved with green design and looks at the big picture when it comes to what sustainability actually represents in terms of building.
Eric Corey Freed, Principal, organicARCHITECT

Sustainable Practices for Outdoor Lighting
Nancy Clanton discusses how lighting plays a role in sustainable practices when it comes to the outdoor environment and provides an overview of the Model Lighting Ordinance (MLO) as a step toward addressing outdoor lighting issues and metrics. Nancy Clanton, President, Clanton & Associates

Connectivity: the Grid, Lighting Controls, and Monitoring Systems
Gregg Ander discusses connectivity and infrastructure issues as they relate to the grid and different communication platforms for control and monitoring systems.
Gregg Ander, Chief Architect, Manager, Design & Engineering Services, Southern California Edison

Energy Efficient Building Systems
Stephen Selkowitz discusses daylighting strategies for the building envelope and how informed daylighting decisions, in concert with lighting systems, can achieve energy efficiency and quality lit environments.
Stephen Selkowitz, Program Head, Building Technologies Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

For more information visit www.algreenlighting.com


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