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Industry News
Get A Grip On Lighting - We Finally Know What An Agent Does
May 20, 2024

Mike Hamilton is a member of AAILA and he’ll tout the benefits all day long, from assistance and support to education, just like NAILD does for independent lighting distributors. AAILA brings together independent lighting agents and makes them “stronger together.” When he’s not volunteering for AAILA, he and his company are working on projects like lighting the longest enclosed pedestrian bridge in the world. The vision for Mike’s company, Visionz, is simple: be dedicated to the customer experience, partner with premier brands, and support the design community on their projects from start to finish. You’ll have to listen to the end to hear what Michael and Greg think is the best explanation they’ve heard for what an agent is.

A Canadian with over 24 years in the lighting industry, Mike Hamilton’s experience in the lighting specification community is extensive, having been a part of the 12V LED lighting market, from its inception. Mike has led national sales teams and participated in their product design & development initiatives. All prior to entering the lighting specification market in Toronto. Mike has participated in a number of media attention grabbing projects, like the lighting of the longest enclosed pedestrian bridge in the world. Mike is currently the principal of Visionz Inc. a prominent Toronto based Architectural Products agency, that is focused on the creation of specifications in the areas of Architectural Lighting, Landscape Furnishings, and integration of Architectural Elements.

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