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Industry News
Gateway Demonstration At DOL Headquarters Parking Garage
July 6, 2010

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the first Washington, DC-based GATEWAY demonstration project using solid-state lighting in a federal facility. The project is a demonstration of LED (light-emitting diode) parking garage lighting in the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) headquarters parking garage. DOE’s Solid-State Lighting GATEWAY Demonstration Program showcases market-ready, high-performance LEDs in order to improve illumination and reduce energy consumption.

As the nation’s largest energy consumer, the federal government is committed to reducing its energy use through objectives outlined in the 2009 Executive Order Focused on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. This interagency effort at DOL’s Frances Perkins Building demonstrates the federal government's commitment to implement sound, cost-effective energy management and investment practices to enhance the nation's energy security and environmental stewardship.

“The DOE-DOL demonstration shows us in very real terms how LED lighting can make a significant impact on not only our federal energy consumption, but also our nation’s energy use,” stated Roland Risser, Building Technologies Program Manager at DOE. “Federal agencies must lead by example, and DOE will continue to guide government-industry collaborations to implement high-performance LED products in appropriate applications.” The installed product at the DOE-DOL demonstration is a U.S.-made, award-winning product manufactured by Philips Wide-Lite.

“Secretary Solis is eager to continue building on the Labor Department’s record of being an ‘Energy Star’ certified building. Though installing 19 LED light fixtures at the Frances Perkins Building may seem small, the 75 percent electricity savings is not, and serves as precisely the kind of energy leadership the President is requiring of all Federal agencies,” said Charlotte Hayes, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy in the Office of Administration and Management. Retrofitting the 19 existing lighting fixtures with LEDs will result in greater than 75% energy savings with greatly improved illumination uniformity.

Representatives from DOE’s Solid-State Lighting GATEWAY Demonstration Program, the Department of Labor, DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program, and Philips Wide-Lite gathered at the DOL Frances Perkins Building for the announcement, which was followed by a tour of the parking garage installation.

The installed product at this GATEWAY site is VizorLED by Philips Wide-Lite, a 2009 “Best In Class” winner of the Next Generation LuminairesTM competition. The Next Generation Luminaires competition recognizes energy-efficient, high-performance commercial LED luminaires, and is jointly sponsored by DOE, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), and the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD).

Nineteen VizorLED parking garage lights with motion detectors were installed at the DOL Frances Perkins Building in May 2010. Preliminary measurements and evaluation of this lighting retrofit show an estimated energy savings of more than 75% of the electricity used by the previous lighting system, with greatly improved illumination quality—more uniform light and a heightened ability to discern colors. For more details on the DOE-DOL demonstration and results, see the project fact sheet.

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