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Industry News
Fulham Receives Class P Listing For 60W LED Drivers From Underwriter Laboratories
April 4, 2016

Fulham Co., Inc., a leading supplier of lighting components and electronics for commercial and specialty applications, today announced that its Class P LED Drivers have been listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), giving luminaire manufacturers a standardized platform for testing and evaluation of LED drivers. With this UL certification, luminaire manufacturers can develop new products using Fulham’s Class P drivers and reduce cost and shorten time-to-market by virtually eliminating compliance testing.

With this type of UL certification, Fulham can now offer manufacturers Class P LED drivers that can be used as alternates in their products without the need for extensive compliance retesting. Fulham’s first UL listing is for its constant current, 60W LED driver with outputs available from 700mA to 1600mA with 0-10V dimming. Additional LED drivers are expected to be listed in the near future.

UL is the first Standards Development Organization to offer a Class P Driver program for LEDs. The program provides guidelines for evaluation and driver testing with ratings for standardized LED construction.

“Fulham is only the second LED manufacturer to meet the UL standards for Class P driver listing,” said Alvaro Garcia, Product Director, LED and Emergency Drivers, for Fulham. “Our ongoing goal is to help our OEM customers stay ahead of the market. With UL Listing for our Class P drivers we can provide our global partners with units that have been pre-tested for compliance so they can deliver their own luminaires quickly and cost-effectively.”

For more information about Fulham’s complete line of LED drivers, please visit http://www.fulham.com/product-systems/led-systems/ .

About Fulham
Fulham Co., Inc. is a leading global provider of intelligent, sustainable commercial lighting components and electronics for use in commercial general lighting, parking structure, signage, horticultural, UV and other applications. The company develops and manufactures a variety of award-winning LED and emergency products, as well as legacy products across multiple lighting platforms. Fulham sells its lighting solutions worldwide through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and electrical equipment distribution channels. Headquartered in Hawthorne, Calif., the company has sales and/or manufacturing facilities in the U.K., China, India and the United Arab Emirates. For more information, visit www.fulham.com.

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