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Industry News
Free NLB Listings Bring Solid Business To Lighting-System Designers And Certifiers
August 9, 2009

“Pleasantly surprising” is how National Lighting Bureau (NLB) Communications Director John Bachner describes results of a just-completed survey of individuals listed on the NLB website as lighting-system designers or Commercial Building Tax Deduction lighting-system compliance certifiers. The Bureau provides the listing service free of charge to encourage designers and certifiers to list themselves. Those looking to retain a designer or certifiers likewise pay no fee.

Sixty-one lighting-system designers responded to two questions asking about prospective-client inquiries and the actual number of design commissions resulting from a listing. More than one-in-four (26.2%) said they had fielded inquiries; another 18% said they were unsure. Those who were certain reported receiving an average 2.6 inquiries each. Even more impressive, almost 20% (19.7%) of all persons listed said the inquiries resulted in new business for them; an average 1.75 commissions each.

Sixty-one lighting-system certifiers responded to similar questions about inquiries fielded and projects commissioned. Almost one in four (23%) reported receiving an average 3.4 inquiries each; another 13.1% were unsure. Almost 20% (19.7%) said new clients commissioned an average 2.0 projects per respondent as a result of the listings.

Bachner noted that the Bureau allows anyone to list; it does not evaluate an individual's claimed qualifications. However, the Bureau also provides on-line selection guidance that prospective clients should use to make an effective choice.


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