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Industry News
Extended Height Occupancy Sensor Allows More Facilities To Benefit From Digital Control Solutions
July 18, 2013

WattStopper has released a new Digital Lighting Management (DLM) extended height passive infrared (PIR) occupancy sensor that gives specifiers more flexibility when designing control solutions for spaces with 20’ to 40’ ceiling heights. The new LMPC-100-5 supports customer requests for reliable, easy-to-install digital sensor control in spaces such as warehouses, distribution centers and gymnasiums. It features enhanced IR communications to enable convenient ladder-free remote configuration using a handheld wireless tool and all the benefits of DLM’s scaleable technology platform.

The LMPC-100-5 has a specialized lens that provides reliable 360° coverage and detects walking motion within a 35’ radius when mounted at 40’. The digital design features an LCD display and programming pushbuttons behind a snap-off cover, and the low profile design is attractive and unobtrusive.

The new sensor plugs to a choice of DLM devices to control virtually any type of load based on occupancy. Patented Plug n’ Go™ operation ensures simplicity with out-of-the box operation that maximizes energy savings by defaulting to manual-on or auto-on to 50% sequences of operation when the system includes switches. Push n’ Learn™ adds flexibility for customized control scenarios that can include hi/low levels and dimming control to meet requirements of the latest energy codes.

Product Line Manager Cheryl Burke comments, “The addition of the new occupancy sensor allows projects that formerly required traditional sensors for certain rooms to incorporate DLM solutions facility- or campus-wide, which not only simplifies maintenance, but opens up opportunities for centralized control and integration.”

“Digital Lighting Management now also offers an ideal control solution for warehouse facilities that are retrofitting high bay lighting fixtures to more energy efficient sources including LEDs. The combined savings from lower wattage sources and occupancy-based control provides building owners an excellent return on investment” Burke concludes.

WattStopper (www.wattstopper.com), a Legrand group brand, is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient lighting controls for commercial and residential use. We help customers find convenient ways to save energy, meet green initiatives, and comply with energy codes with our comprehensive range of products, programs, and services. Legrand (www.legrandelectric.com ), located in Limoges, France, is the world specialist in products and systems for electrical installations and information networks, offering solutions for use in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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