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Industry News
Energy Department Announces Up To Fifteen Million For Early-Stage SSL Research
April 30, 2018

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $15 million to conduct early-stage, innovative research to drive further breakthroughs in solid-state lighting (SSL) technology. This funding will accelerate the development of high-quality light-emitting diode (LED) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) products with the potential to reduce lighting energy costs for American families and businesses and to enhance U.S. global competitiveness.

This funding announcement will further the Administration’s goal to drive U.S. technology leadership in solid-state lighting by supporting innovative research in four areas:

Topic 1: Core Technology Research for LEDs, OLEDs, and Cross-Cutting Lighting Research
These projects will develop innovative advancements in the underlying science for SSL technology, demonstrating scientific principles, technical application, and application benefits related to physiological impacts of light and light utilization efficiency.

Topic 2: Proof-of-Concept and Prototype Development for LEDs and OLEDs
These projects will pursue early-stage research to contribute to the development of SSL prototypes as well as advanced proof-of-concept SSL materials, devices, and luminaires. Research in this area will focus on high-efficacy LED prototypes, advanced LED lighting, LED power electronics, OLED light engines, OLED prototype lighting platforms, and OLED panel light extraction and utilization. 

Topic 3: Advanced Fabrication R&D
These projects will focus on the underlying chemical and physical aspects of SSL fabrication, exploring LED advanced fabrication approaches, OLED substrate and encapsulation fabrication, and OLED panel fabrication. 

Topic 4: Innovative Lighting in a Limited Mock Field Application
These projects will assess innovative lighting system solutions in a limited mock field application setting. The technical resources and data sets developed will ultimately help researchers refine or refocus early-stage research and development of SSL-based devices, luminaires, and systems.

In total, the Department will fund approximately 10-15 cost-shared projects from industry, academia, and national laboratories. For more information, application requirements, and instructions for applying to this funding opportunity, visit the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange website.

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