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Industry News
Demand For T5 And T12 Lamps Increases During Fourth Quarter
April 2, 2014

T5 and T12 lamp shipments improved by 9.9 percent and 9.4 percent, respectively, on a quarterly basis (q/q) during 2013Q4. Shipments of T8 lamps contracted 2.1 percent q/q. Nevertheless, calendar year (CY) 2013 showed the index advancing 9.4 percent on an annual basis. The index for T5 lamps also registered a gain during CY2013, besting CY 2012 by 9 percent. In contrast, T12 lamps posted an annual decline of 25.6 percent for CY2013.
Market shares for the three linear fluorescent lamp types showed mixed results during the quarter. T8 lamps yielded 2.3 percent posting a share of 70.6 percent. T5 and T12 lamps posted gains during the quarter, securing market shares of 11.7 and 17.7 percent, respectively.


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