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Industry News
DOE Releases Latest Lighting Facts Product Snapshot
June 9, 2011

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has published the May 2011 Lighting Facts® Product Snapshot of LED replacement lamps. The report uses verified performance data from the Lighting Facts product list, which now has nearly 1,000 LED replacement lamps registered, to compare their performance to standard technologies and the new performance levels mandated by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. It is intended to help lighting retailers, distributors, designers, utilities, and energy efficiency program sponsors understand the current state of the LED replacement lamp market and its trajectory.
Due to the speed of advancements in solid-state lighting technology, a new Product Snapshot is published twice a year. Each new version has data from additional products, allowing for updated analysis and projections.

Among the key findings from the new Product Snapshot:
 •LED lamp performance remains highly variable across all performance metrics.
 •LED lamp light output has been rising steadily, but not fast enough to replace 100W A-lamps by 2012.
 •LED A-lamps performing at 450 lumens (40W incandescent equivalent) and 800 lumens (60W incandescent equivalent) are already available.
 •No LED linear replacement lamps match the light output of linear fluorescent lamps.
The complete Lighting Facts Product Snapshot is available for download on the Lighting Facts website.

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