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Industry News
DOE Releases Gateway Report On Parking Lot Lighting
July 7, 2010

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has published the Phase I report from a demonstration of LED parking lot lighting at a T.J.Maxx in Manchester, New Hampshire. This GATEWAY demonstration report provides an overview of project results including lighting performance and projected energy savings from the new installation. A future Phase II report will provide a detailed review of the actual operation of the LED luminaires over time.

In this project, 22 high-pressure sodium and six metal halide luminaires were replaced with 25 LED luminaires. Controlled by integral occupancy sensors that vary between “high” and “low” light output settings, the LED luminaires offer reduced energy consumption when the lot is unoccupied, while raising illumination levels when occupants are present. Key findings include:

•The LED luminaires achieved energy savings of 58%, largely attributable to a 47% reduction in average light levels for the “high” output setting while still meeting the basic minimum horizontal illuminance recommended by IES.

•Estimated payback for the LED luminaires was around three years at this location, but slightly more than five years when taking into account lower national average electricity costs and more typical maintenance rates.

For more details, download the complete demonstration report.

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