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Industry News
Cooper Lighting Products Accepted In 2009 IES Progress Report
January 11, 2010

Cooper Lighting, a division of Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE), announces that four products and a lighting application have been recognized by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Progress Report Committee as providing “an advancement in the art and science of lighting.” The accepted products and application are part of the 2009 IES Progress Report and include the Halo H7 LED 600 Series Downlight, McGraw-Edison Generation LED Post Top Retrofit Light Engine, Ametrix Arrowlinear VHO luminaires and the RSA Quiet Ceiling and Accurus Downlight Expansion designed to utilizing the Philips® Mini MasterColor™ CDM-Tm and GE® T4GU6.5 ceramic metal halide lamps. The accepted lighting application features the Halo H7 LED 600 Series module used to retrofit the recessed downlighting in the North Delta Secondary school theatre, which is located in Delta, British Columbia, Canada.

The IES Progress Report presents significant developments and improvements in the lighting industry over the past year. Submittals, which consist of new products, research, publications, applications, and trends and activities, are reviewed by the IES Progress Committee whose mission is to keep in touch with developments in the art and science of lighting throughout the world and prepare a yearly review of achievements for the Society. The committee is made up of lighting industry experts from all different aspects of the lighting industry.  Each submittal goes through a judging process and is evaluated for its uniqueness, innovativeness and significance to the lighting industry.  Judging is not based on aesthetics, but focuses on and honors technical advancements.

The products were featured in a presentation by the IES Progress Committee at the IES Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington on November 16, 2009.  The 2009 Report is posted on the IES website and is presented by IES Sections throughout the year at section meetings. The Report is currently featured this month is Lighting Design + Application (LD+A) magazine’s January issue.  To view the report, visit www.ies.org. For additional information on the accepted products and application, please email [email protected] or visit www.cooperlighting.com.

About Cooper Lighting
Cooper Lighting, a subsidiary of Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE), is the leading provider of innovative, high quality interior and exterior lighting fixtures and related products to worldwide commercial, industrial, retail, institutional, residential and utility markets. As lighting technologies have advanced over the years, Cooper Lighting has been at the forefront of the industry in helping businesses and communities leverage the latest technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs and enrich the quality of the environment. For more information, visit www.cooperlighting.com.

About Cooper Industries
Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE) is a global manufacturer with 2008 revenues of $6.5 billion, approximately 88% of which are from electrical products.  Founded in 1833, Cooper's sustained level of success is attributable to a constant focus on innovation, evolving business practices while maintaining the highest ethical standards, and meeting customer needs.  The Company has eight operating divisions with leading market share positions and world-class products and brands. Cooper has manufacturing facilities in 23 countries as of 2008. For more information, visit the website at www.cooperindustries.com.

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