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Industry News
Cities Wanted For Trial Solar Street Lighting Program
June 9, 2009

Eco Alternative Solutions, LLC is looking for 25 U.S. cities to participate in a no-cost, 90-day trial of the recently announced Integrated Solar Series. ISS is an innovative solar-powered LED street light system that is able to sustain energy and save money for cities using this product.

The solar unit replaces a city's current lighting system on 30-foot tall utility poles, which commonly are used on residential and busy streets. At dusk a controller powers the white or yellow LED for 10 hours nightly and can maintain power for up to three consecutive nights of lighting per charge.

"In a town with 50,000 lights the current monthly expense is about $215,400 based on running the lights for 10 hours per day. Switching to ISS generates average savings of about $158,400 a month," said Shane Chapin, chief executive officer of Eco Alternative Solutions. "Cost savings depend on the available sunlight and we can assess the expected savings for each community."

ISS lights have been vigorously tested over the last year and half and additional field tests in different ambient conditions will take place during this trial period to ensure the product is an appropriate alternative.

"We examined the purchasing process in large scale conversions, such as city street lights, and are prepared to help through every step of the financial and energy assessment for cities that want to take advantage of the American Recovery Reinvestment Act.

"Couple that with our financing options, that are customized to not exceed your current outgoing energy expense, and you have a winning scenario," Chapin said.

For more information, call (217)303-8255.

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