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Industry News
Camber Now Available From U.S. Architectural Lighting
February 16, 2010

Camber™, an avant-garde accent light for contemporary environments, is now available from U.S. Architectural Lighting, a U.S. manufacturer of luminaires for public areas and streetscapes. Featuring an eclectic blend of curvilinear and rectilinear surfaces, Camber is accentuated by structurally-expressive components designed to be seen in daylight and at night.  

The fixture’s versatile functionality make it an option for both interior and exterior installations. Camber adds a distinctive look to shopping malls, museums, entrance halls, atriums and transit terminals, in addition to exterior entries, porticos and walkways. The Camber series includes five models with up and down light distribution patterns. Up-light distribution highlights architectural features, including overhangs and projections, while down-light patterns illuminate entrances, walkways and building perimeters. The fixture can be used to add visual interest to wall illuminations with color filters.

Lighting designers also have the option to install Camber with fixed or adjustable indirect reflectors to redirect all light downwards toward entries and walkways. Glare shields are available. The range of lamp options include:  pulse start metal halide (50W to 100W with 4,100 to 8,500 lumens); high pressure sodium (50 to 100W with 4,000 to 9,500 lumens); and compact fluorescent (42W with 3,200 lumens). Camber measures 24 inches high and 8 to 16 inches wide, depending on the model, and 10 to 13.5 inches deep. Recommended mounting heights are 8 to 12 feet above ground.

The fixture body is constructed from corrosion-resistant, low copper cast aluminum and is finished with an electrostatically-applied polyester powder coat baked at 400° for durability. The lamp enclosure is one-piece molded glass.  For more information on the Camber, visit the U.S. Architectural Lighting website at www.usaltg.com or call 800.877.6537 for a product brochure. U.S. Architectural Lighting is among the industry’s leading manufacturers of outdoor fixtures for streetscapes and public areas. All manufacturing facilities are located in southern California and products are 100 percent made in the U.S.A. to ensures superior craftsmanship, consistent quality and timely shipping.

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