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Industry News
Builders Name Cooper Lighting's Halo Brand The Leader In Lighting For The Tenth Consecutive Year
January 25, 2009

Cooper Lighting’s Halo brand of recessed and track lighting continues to affirm itself as the industry leader by being named by Builder Magazine as the Brand Leader in lighting. Sweeping all four categories for the tenth consecutive year, Halo was awarded first place in the lighting categories of Brand Familiarity, Brand Used in Past 2 Years, Brand Used Most, and Quality.

“For over 50 years Halo has adapted to the needs of our customers in the recessed and track lighting market and continues to provide best in class features and benefits. Customers responded by again naming Halo the industry leader in quality and usage for the 10th year in a row,” said Glenn Siegel, Director of Marketing and Product Management, Cooper Lighting. “Recognition by such highly read industry publications such as Builder, is a realization that Cooper Lighting continues its leadership in the commercial, industrial and residential lighting markets.”

The Builder 2009 Brand Use Study by Readex Research, an independent research company, surveys in depth the brands builders know best, the ones they use the most, and the ones they rate the highest in quality.

Lighting or Halo, visit www.cooperlighting.com or email [email protected].

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