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Industry News
B-K Lighting Receives U.S. Patent 7,560,148 for ICEE™
August 16, 2009

Designed for use with Precision2® and Tenaya2® in-grade luminaries, ICEE™ provides a meaningful reduction in surface temperatures while maintaining 90% lumen output and full
optical control.

ICEE™ is a patented system that reduces the transfer of thermal energy to an in-grade luminaire’s lens and faceplate by employing a vacuum-sealed chamber, or interstice, between the lamp and the surface. Combined with B-K Lighting’s patented Anti-Condensation Valve (ACV™), U.S. Patent 6,254,258B1, ICEE™ works to reduce the quantity of air and water molecules that transfers heat to the surface lens. Using thermodynamic laws, the interstice is designed to keep harmful thermal energy from migrating to the faceplate and lens where it could cause injury.

Absent a U.S. standard for lens temperatures, B-K Lighting established a “common sense” approach to guide its safety and heat testing during product development, using temperature over time to determine guidelines for allowable contact management.

As lens temperature decreases, allowable contact time increases thus establishing a common sense standard for direct contact with in-grade fixtures installed with a Patented ICEE™ Lens.

Since 1984, B-K Lighting has been dedicated to providing the lighting industry with the highest quality, most innovative and fairly priced outdoor lighting fixtures available. B-K Lighting manufactures standard and custom fixtures for architectural and landscape lighting including path, sign, area, flood, recessed building mounted, and in-grade applications. B-K Lighting products are installed in high-end residential and landmark applications around the world.

QUALITY, SERVICE, INNOVATION, and VALUE all add up to make B-K Lighting the number one choice in outdoor lighting. B-K Lighting has a long history of supporting green manufacturing. As members of the USGBC (United States Green Building Council) and IDA (International Dark Sky Association), B-K Lighting has led the industry in providing earth-friendly designs and manufacturing concepts.

For more information about B-K Lighting products and representatives visit our web site at www.bklighting.com. Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST at 559-438-5800 or fax 559-438-5900. Located at 40429 Brickyard Drive, Madera, CA 93636.

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