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Industry News
Albeo Releases New White Paper On Converting Fluorescent Fixtures To LED
July 20, 2009

Albeo Technologies, a global leader in Solid-State Lighting (SSL) systems, announced its latest white paper, “LED Retrofits of Fluorescent Fixtures: A white paper on converting fluorescent lighting to high efficiency LED.”  Examined in the paper are the key factors to consider for converting older fluorescent fixtures to LED.   
In today’s economy, tight profit margins are driving companies to seek technologies that combat rising energy costs and improve productivity with sustainable solutions.   The need to reduce carbon emissions is real and lighting’s electricity consumption accounts for over 400 million tons of CO2 in the US atmosphere each year.  LED lighting can be a big part of the answer to reducing energy and carbon emissions if done correctly.   Albeo’s white paper examines critical differences in conversion technologies that determine performance, and lifetime.  Albeo’s complimentary white paper is a must read if you are considering converting your old fluorescent to LED and is available for download on Albeo’s website at http://www.albeotech.com/academy.html

A video of the real-time conversion process can also be seen on the website or at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbxCzjfJp-A

Albeo Technologies, Inc. manufactures high quality, long-lasting LED lighting products for commercial and industrial facilities that improve energy savings, reduce maintenance costs, and are safe and easy to install.  Albeo has a large product portfolio of industrial and commercial white-LED SSL fixtures that includes: award winning C-Series LED light fixtures for general lighting applications, Atmosphere™, Brilliance™, and Talea™ LED Lighting solutions for cove, display, and task lighting, and SecurityLED™ fixtures for high-abuse applications such as transit, correctional, and institutional facilities. Details for the entire product line are available on Albeo's website at www.albeotech.com


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