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Industry News
Advance Repositions for Strength and Alignment
September 16, 2008

Advance announces its launch of an exciting repositioning campaign that will serve to both acknowledge its long-standing position and history as a leader in the ballast industry while firmly reflecting its affiliation to global technology leader and corporate parent Philips. As part of the initiative, Advance will officially become known as Philips Lighting Electronics North America (N.A.) and will adopt Philips Advance as its product brand on all existing electronic and magnetic fluorescent and HID ballasts.

Founded in 1945 and acquired by Philips in 1959, Advance has prided itself on helping to both lead and define the ballast and lighting industries for over 60 years. The move towards more consistent Philips branding is designed to facilitate a broader range of market opportunities and a simplification of its corporate affiliation in the marketplace.

Beginning in mid-2008 and continuing throughout 2009, Advance's repositioning activities will manifest themselves in the form of updated product packaging, collateral, and commercial documentation reflecting the new organization and product brand names.

"As a proud member of the Philips family, we are very excited to drive these measures as a means of acknowledging the critical role we play as a leading components supplier within Philips and as a way to promote the strength we can deliver through the combination of our two recognized brands," says CEO of Philips Lighting Electronics N.A. Pieter de Haan. "But while our organization and brand name may change slightly," assures de Haan, "the market can rest assured that our values and dedication to the customer experience will remain the same."

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