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Industry News
Acuity Absorbs Guardian Networks
June 4, 2008

Atlanta-based Acuity said it will merge Guardian into Acuity Brands Technology Services Inc.'s ROAM business platform, which provides streetlight monitoring through photocontrols, wireless communications, advanced diagnostics and network management services. Guardian provides remote asset management software and services that let utility, municipal and other customers monitor and manage facility and infrastructure assets such as lighting systems.

"With this acquisition, we believe that ROAM becomes the country's most comprehensive lighting asset management system," said Crawford Lipsey, president of Acuity Brands Technology Services. "Guardian brings the network operations center, customer interface software, work order management modules, and hand held deployment systems into ROAM. This end-to-end capability will allow us to better serve customers who require the highest quality systems for managing lighting assets."

Acuity Brands owns and operates Acuity Brands Lighting, whose brands include Lithonia Lighting, Holophane, Peerless, Mark Architectural Lighting, Hydrel, American Electric Lighting, Gotham, Carandini, SpecLight, MetalOptics, Antique Street Lamps and Synergy Lighting Controls. Acuity's second-quarter profit rose 39 percent to $34.1 million on $482.6 million in sales.


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