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Industry News
DOE Releases Gateway Report On LED Freezer Case Lighting
November 12, 2009

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has published the final report from a demonstration retrofit of light-emitting diode (LED) freezer case lighting in an Albertsons Grocery store in Eugene, Oregon. This GATEWAY demonstration report provides an overview of project results including lighting performance, economic performance, and potential energy savings.

In this project, upright freezer cases were retrofitted with LED striplights combined with occupancy sensors, and compared against standard fluorescent lighting on the opposite side of the aisle. Key findings include:

•Total energy savings (including more efficient light source, reduced consumption from occupancy sensors, reduced demand on the compressor, and reduced illumination levels) is estimated to be 2,659 kWh per year for a typical 5-door case. The reduction in illumination was preapproved by the site in order to bring down the first cost of the installation.

•Calculated simple payback from energy savings alone was approximately six years; maintenance savings were estimated to further reduce the payback to just over five years; and potential area rebates and tax credits could further reduce the payback period to less than two years.

Click here to download a copy of the report:

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